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Chinese Corner series kicks off with ‘a touch of Chinese social media’

23 November 2022

October saw Cardiff Confucius Institute’s first Chinese Corner, an insight into modern China through the lens of social media.

A touch of Chinese social media

Dr. Jingjing Ruan, a lecturer from Xiamen University and Mandarin teacher at Cardiff Confucius Institute,  introduced us to the most widely used social media in China including WeChat and Weibo. She then allowed participants to consider its impact on social change and economic development, and discuss the pros and cons of both Chinese and non-Chinese social media.

Jingjing talked about the development of e-commerce and the broadcast industry, and looked at social life in contemporary China in relation to the pandemic. She also presented ‘guanxi’, a system of social networks and influential relationships that has evolved from Confucianism, and is a key concept in Chinese business culture and societal relationships.

The genius of traditional Chinese architecture

We are delighted to announce that the next Chinese Corner will be held in person at the School of Modern Languages.

At the event, entitled ‘the genius of traditional Chinese archutecture’, expect to learn all about how Chinese philosophy has influenced the way homes in China are built and function on a daily basis. It will be led by Mandarin tutor Jie Chen, who has a Masters degree in the History and Theory of Architecture from Xiamen University.

Luisa Pèrcopo, who attended Jie’s Chinese Corner on architecture last year said it was “an interactive and always surprising way of learning about Chinese culture and language”. Participant Chris Burns said of the event: “Chinese architecture was put into the context of history, geography, culture and philosophy (Confucianism and Taoism) which was really interesting.”

To sign up visit this page.

Chinese Corners 2022-23

Cardiff Confucius Institute’s monthly Chinese Corners are designed for people interested in learning about China, its culture and languages. Past events have included talks on social life, education and travel in modern China, as well as an in-depth look at the Spring Festival or, as is more commonly known in the West, Chinese New Year.

Our remaining 2022-23 series will be held in person at the School of Modern Languages from 6.30 - 8pm on the following Wednesdays:

  • The Genius of Traditional Chinese Residence - Jie Chen - 7 December 22. To sign up visit this page.
  • Chinese New Year 2023 - Ling He - 25 January 23
  • Chinese Festivals and Food – Wei Tang – 22 February 23
  • Traditional Chinese Gardens: A Piece of Heaven on Earth – Jie Chen – 29 March 23
  • A Case of Modern Chinese Music: 10 Female Stories in the album 3811 by Weiwei Tan – 31 May 23

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