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8th LanGW4 Colloquium: Transition and Transgression

The annual colloquium for the language departments in the LanGW4 alliance.

This year, Cardiff University's School of Modern Languages is hosting the colloquium. It is taking place on campus so no aspect will be available to attend online.

We welcome the University of Nottingham as our guest this year.

Key information

DateThursday 29 June 2023
VenueHadyn Ellis Building, Cardiff University, 52 Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ
Registration deadlineMidday on Wednesday 21 June 2023
Contact for

About LanGW4

Formed in 2014, LanGW4 includes the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter.

The colloquiums exist to exchange best practices on innovation in modern languages education.

More about the LanGW4 alliance.

Who it's open to

Both teaching and scholarship and teaching and research colleagues from the LanGW4 alliance are welcome.


We will host two roundtables on the following:


From enrolment to graduation, educational and existential turning points span a student's life. Navigating such moments is key to the students’ academic success and wellbeing. This roundtable explores the facilitation of students' transition, such as:

  • institutional (between educational sectors)
  • cognizant (between language levels)
  • existential (towards adulthood)
  • intercultural

The roundtable also discusses the change in our practice since the transition from Covid to post-Covid times.


Breaking boundaries is becoming more central to higher education. Many educational strategies and pedagogical approaches reflect this direction. Established practices show how blurred institutional, physical, and methodological boundaries have become. This roundtable explores these practices and their effects, such as:

  • students as partners
  • teaching through community engagement
  • embedded employability
  • post-method pedagogy

The roundtable also explores experiences and evaluations of this important aspect of our profession, including assessments (formative and summative) and student engagement activities (curricular and extracurricular).

Keynote speaker

Michael Webb, a specialist from JISC on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education.

JISC is the UK digital, data and technology agency focused on tertiary education, research and innovation.

Michael Webb is director of technology and analytics at JISC. He is co-lead of JISC’s national centre for AI in tertiary education. The centre supports the responsible and effective adoption of AI across the sector.

As well as AI, Michael Webb has worked on projects around the Internet of things, virtual reality and learning analytics.

Before joining JISC, he worked in the higher education sector, leading IT and learning technology services.

Further information about the keynote speaker is available on the JISC website.


Please note there may be some minor modifications made to the programme in due course.

8th LanGW4 programme

The most up-to-date version of the 8th LanGW4 Colloquium programme.

Book of abstracts

The book of abstracts will be available soon.

How to register your attendance

Please ensure you register by midday on Wednesday 21 June.

The colloquium is free of charge to attend. Refreshments and lunch included.

Host organisers

Marie Gastinel-Jones

Marie Gastinel-Jones

Reader in French

+44 (0)29 2087 5642

Marie Gastinel-Jones is a LanGW4 committee member.

Eleri Davies

Eleri Davies

Events and Internal Communications Officer

+44 (0)29 2087 9656


Social media

Follow LanGW4 on Twitter: @Lan_GW4