29 July 2015
New doctor test to spot children at risk of death by physical abuse.
29 April 2015
Serious road traffic accident training a first for Wales' future doctors.
29 September 2014
Research reveals devastating psychological impact of combat.
26 September 2014
20-year study uncovers rising rates of antibiotic failure for common infections.
An initiative led by Cardiff University scientists aims to inspire school age children to pursue a career in a STEM related field.
18 August 2014
Global ultrasound education company Medaphor raises £4.7M in planned flotation
15 August 2014
Cardiff University has risen to a top 150 spot in the 2014 world university rankings for the first time in six years.
13 August 2014
Canolfan y Cyngor Ymchwil Feddygol i ‘fagu’r genhedlaeth nesaf o wyddonwyr o safon fyd-eang’
8 August 2014
Study finds diabetes drug could offer surprising health benefits to non-diabetics
7 August 2014
University scientists uncover key piece to cancer puzzle