3 April 2014
A round-up of Cardiff Law School staff publications for March 2014.
28 March 2014
Same sex marriages are a cause for celebration, says Cardiff academic.
14 March 2014
Our pro bono scheme with the charity Cerebra has already started to make a difference to families.
7 March 2014
A round-up of Cardiff Law School staff publications for February 2014.
21 February 2014
New websites for School of Modern Languages and the Department of Politics and International Relations.
17 February 2014
Sir Keir Starmer QC outlined the importance of the Human Rights Act to victims.
4 February 2014
A round-up of Cardiff Law School staff publications and research news for January 2014.
30 January 2014
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of law school skills competition.
22 January 2014
Lauren Williams has scored top marks in an essay writing competition run by the National Council of Women of Great Britain.
8 August 2013
New book tests accusation that Plaid Cymru sympathised with fascism.