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Professor Angela Devereux

Cardiff academic in roving reporter role for Rugby World Cup

1 October 2015

University law professor volunteers in ‘The Pack’

Conference attendees

Harvard hosts Cardiff conference

30 September 2015

An ecumenical colloquium was held at Harvard University in Cambridge under the auspices of the Centre for Law and Religion.

Professor Angela Devereux

Law professor joins pack as roving reporter for Rugby World Cup

30 September 2015

Professor Angela Devereux, Head of the Centre for Professional Legal Studies, gets involved in The Pack.

Leading experts warn that proposals for ‘reserved powers’ for Wales will leave major constitutional problems unresolved

24 September 2015

Report argues that a ‘reserved powers’ model is not a simple technical change but also requires a number of other major changes.

Mencap Cymru and Cardiff law students launch toolkit for adults with learning disabilities

Mencap Cymru and Cardiff law students launch toolkit for adults with learning disabilities

14 September 2015

Toolkits aim to empower the carers and families of adults with learning disabilities.

Innocence Project

Law project up for prestigious human rights award

27 August 2015

Law school project up for prestigious human rights award

Law at Cardiff is 5th in the Russell Group for overall student satisfaction

25 August 2015

Results of the 2015 National Student Survey (NSS) ranks Cardiff University's School of Law in fifth place.

Dr Christian Bueger

6th Public Uni event sees academics present their research in bite-size chunks

10 August 2015

Academics from Cardiff Law School and the Department of Politics and International Relations recently presented their research.

Welsh politics experts to discuss 2015 General Election at the Eisteddfod

31 July 2015

Cardiff University’s renowned Wales Governance Centre will be putting the recent General Election under the microscope.

Law Building sign

Free legal advice overturns council transport decision

31 July 2015

A disabled teenager has benefited from a free legal advice project at Cardiff University.