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21 July 2016
New vision and strategy needed, argue Cardiff University experts
18 July 2016
Royal Town Planning Institute launches new planning bursaries to promote diversity at undergraduate level
13 July 2016
BSc Geography and Planning Graduate has been awarded the prestigious Rees Jeffreys Bursary award to support MSc Studies.
29 June 2016
Cardiff academic making new links in China
22 June 2016
Professor Roberta Sonnino invited to judge the new Milan Food Pact Awards
20 June 2016
Preferences for health data storage, access, and sharing – evidence from a pan-European survey
14 June 2016
New project offers insight into connections between people, literature and land
Cardiff University-led research shows eurosceptic regions have most to lose from EU withdrawal
7 June 2016
New Evidence Information Service to help link politicians with academic experts.
3 June 2016
Professor of Practice in Connectivity, Mark Barry to examine opportunities of South Wales Metro.