Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi cael gwybod bod y model ar gyfer hyfforddiant sgiliau clinigol yng Nghymru yn newid i ddiwallu anghenion y gweithlu clinigol yng Nghymru. O ganlyniad i'r penderfyniad hwn gan Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru (HEIW), ni fydd Prifysgol Caerdydd yn derbyn y cyllid seilwaith hwn o Ebrill 2024 ymlaen i gefnogi’r dull newydd.

 Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn gweithio ar y cyd gyda HEIW a phartneriaid eraill i ystyried atebion cynaliadwy ar gyfer darparu sgiliau clinigol/llawfeddygol ehangach. Ar hyn o bryd, nid ydym yn gallu cadarnhau lle bydd yr hyfforddiant sgiliau clinigol yn cael ei gynnig ar ôl Rhagfyr 2023.Bydd rhagor o newyddion yn cael ei rannu cyn gynted ag y bydd ar gael drwy wefan HEIW - Hafan - HEIW (

 Mae trefniadau taith addysg a hyfforddiant endosgopi GIG Cymru o fis Ebrill 2024 ymlaen yn cael eu cwblhau ar hyn o bryd. I gofrestru eich diddordeb ebostiwch

 Bydd cyrsiau ar gyfer hyfforddeion llawfeddygol a gomisiynwyd gan Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru (AaIG) fel y gwersyll llawfeddygol yn parhau i gael eu darparu mewn safleoedd ledled Cymru yn 2023. Bydd hyfforddeion yn cael gwybod am gyrsiau gan Gyfarwyddwr eu Rhaglen Hyfforddi yr un peth ag arfer.

Cardiff University has been informed that the model for clinical skills training in Wales is changing to meet the needs of the clinical workforce in Wales. As a result of this Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) decision, infrastructure funding will be reallocated away from Cardiff University to support the new approach to training from April 2024.

 Cardiff University are working collaboratively with HEIW and other partners to consider sustainable solutions for the delivery of wider clinical /surgical skills. At this moment in time, we are unable to confirm where clinical skills training will be delivered after December 2023. Further updates will be provided as soon as they are available via the HEIW website - Home - HEIW (

 Itinerary and booking arrangements for NHS Wales endoscopy education and training from April 2024 onwards are currently being finalised. To register your interest email

 Courses for surgical trainees commissioned by Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) such as surgical bootcamp will continue to be provided at sites across Wales as in 2023. Trainees will be informed of courses by their Training Programme Director as usual.

Basic ERCP Skills Lab

Basic ERCP Skills Lab

  This course is for registrars who are interested in or have recently commenced ERCP traini..

£295.00 per person

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ENDO2 Therapeutic Endoscopy Nursing Skills

ENDO2 Therapeutic Endoscopy Nursing Skills

This course is aimed at nursing staff working in Endoscopy Units in Wales involved in the care of pa..

£450.00 per person

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ENDO3 Training the Nurse Trainers and Leadership

ENDO3 Training the Nurse Trainers and Leadership

Recommended for Band 6 and 7 Endoscopy nurses in Wales, this two day course aims to develop Leadersh..

£100.00 per person

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Test Course (do not buy)

Test Course (do not buy)

ADMIN TESTING Do not buy this course ..

£1.00 per person

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Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)