Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Digwyddiadau byd-eang

Mae cynrychiolwyr y brifysgol yn mynd i ddigwyddiadau'n rheolaidd ar gyfer darpar fyfyrwyr o bob cwr o'r byd, a bydd y rhain yn digwydd wyneb yn wyneb ac yn rhithwir.

Diwrnodau agored

Rydym yn cynnal Diwrnodau Agored i fyfyrwyr israddedig ac ôl-raddedig sawl gwaith bob blwyddyn.

Os nad ydych yn gallu mynychu Diwrnod Agored ond yn ymweld â Chaerdydd, gallwch gysylltu â'r Swyddfa Ryngwladol i drefnu taith campws, neu lawrlwythwch taith hunan-dywys ac archwilio'r campws felly.

MSc Children's Psychological Disorders

Learn how this specialised course equips you to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the events during a Q&A session.

Studying the conversion course MSc Psychology

Explore how this course opens pathways to a career in psychology for graduates from diverse academic backgrounds.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the events during a Q&A session.

Accommodation at Cardiff University

Living in university accommodation is a great way to start university life and meet other new students. Join us in our webinar to hear about the range of accommodation we have to offer, the costs and how to apply.

Studying Postgraduate Taught Programmes at Cardiff Business School

Digwyddiadau sy'n benodol i wledydd

Rhestrir isod y gwledydd lle mae gennym ddigwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill. Mae gan bob un o'n digwyddiadau ffocws gwahanol ac maen nhw wedi'u cynllunio ar gyfer myfyrwyr o wledydd penodol. Cynhelir rhai digwyddiadau gan asiantau neu gynghorwyr tra y bydd digwyddiadau eraill yn cael eu cynnal gan staff y brifysgol. Gwiriwch ddisgrifiad y digwyddiad cyn cofrestru.

Os oes gennych chi gwestiynau am ein hymweliadau, cysylltwch â ni.

Nicosia British Council Fair

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at postgraduate level of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Rebecca Denmark Rebecca Denmark will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Limassol British Council Fair

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at postgraduate level of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Rebecca Denmark Rebecca Denmark will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Global Study UK Egypt Fair

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at postgraduate level of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Athens British Council Fair

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at postgraduate level of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Rebecca Denmark Rebecca Denmark will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Thessaloniki British Council Fair

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at postgraduate level of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Rebecca Denmark Rebecca Denmark will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Global Ed Interaction Pune

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Dheeraj Kumar Dheeraj Kumar will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Global University Fair 2025 Chennai

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Priyanka Saluja Priyanka Saluja will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Global University Fair 2025 Bengaluru

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Priyanka Saluja Priyanka Saluja will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP UK, USA and Ireland Biggest Education Fair Bangalore

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Dheeraj Kumar Dheeraj Kumar will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Global University Fair 2025 Delhi

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Priyanka Saluja Priyanka Saluja will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Edwise World Education Fair Mumbai

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Dai Evans Dai Evans will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP UK, USA and Ireland Biggest Education Fair Kolkata

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Priyanka Saluja Priyanka Saluja will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP UK, USA and Ireland Biggest Education Fair Lucknow

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Dai Evans Dai Evans will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Global University Fair 2025 Mumbai

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Priyanka Saluja Priyanka Saluja will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP UK, USA and Ireland Biggest Education Fair Kochi

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Dheeraj Kumar Dheeraj Kumar will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

UK, USA and Ireland Biggest Education Fair Chennai

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Priyanka Saluja Priyanka Saluja will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Izmir IEFT Spring Fair

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Rebecca Denmark Rebecca Denmark will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Istanbul Asian Side IEFT Spring Fair

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Rebecca Denmark Rebecca Denmark will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Istanbul European Side IEFT Spring Fair

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Rebecca Denmark Rebecca Denmark will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Open days

We host Open Days for both undergraduate and postgraduate students several times each year.

Postgrad LIVE Cardiff

Considering a master's degree or PhD? Postgrad LIVE Cardiff is your chance to find out what postgraduate opportunities are on offer at a number of top universities, including Cardiff, and how to secure your place on them. Discuss your options, get personalised funding advice and find out what master's and PhD study is really like.

Join us on Wednesday 19 February 2025. Visit the Postgrad LIVE Cardiff event page to find out more and register to attend.

Experience first-hand what it's like to study and live in Wales' capital city at our upcoming undergraduate Open Days:

  • Friday 27 June 2025
  • Saturday 28 June 2025
  • Saturday 13 September 2025
  • Saturday 18 October 2025

Sign up to our mailing list to be notified when bookings open.

If you are not able to attend an Open Day, find out more about visiting Cardiff University as an international student.