Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Lee McIlreavy

Dr Lee McIlreavy


Yr Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau'r Golwg

+44 29208 70134
Optometreg a Gwyddorau'r Golwg , Ystafell Room 3.01, Heol Maendy, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Rwy'n cynnal ymchwil sylfaenol, gan ddefnyddio olrhain llygaid a thasgau cyfrifiadurol, i ymchwilio i swyddogaeth weledol a chanfyddiad symud sy'n deillio o ddatblygiad arferol ac annormal y system weledol ddynol.

Rhaid i'r holl fewnbwn gweledol gael ei brosesu gan y retinas cyn ei drosglwyddo i gortecs gweledol yr ymennydd. Fodd bynnag, mae symudiadau llygaid yn cyfeirio ein retinas yn gyson at wahanol wrthrychau yn yr amgylchedd. Eto, er gwaethaf y cynnig incessant hwn, mae'r amgylchedd fel arfer yn cael ei ystyried yn llonydd.  

Gall nifer o gyflyrau niwro-offthamig gynhyrchu osgiliadau parhaus, patholegol o'r llygaid (arwydd o'r enw nystagmus) a allai arwain at gynnig rhithus o'r amgylchedd neu beidio.

Amcan fy ymchwil cyfredol yw cysylltu symudiadau llygaid â mesurau swyddogaeth weledol a chanfyddiad symudiadau, yn y rhai sydd â nystagmus a hebddynt, mewn ymdrech i ddeall yn well y canfyddiad o llonyddwch, osgilossia a chanlyniadau symud amhriodol o'r llygaid.


















I conduct basic research, using eye tracking and computer-based tasks, to investigate visual function and motion perception resulting from normal and abnormal development of the human visual system.

All visual input must be processed by the retinas before transmission to the visual cortex of the brain. However, eye movements are constantly directing the retinas to different objects in the environment.  Yet, despite this incessant motion of the retinas, the environment is usually perceived as stationary.

A number of neuro-ophthamic conditions can produce continuous, pathological oscillations of the eyes (a sign called nystagmus) that may or may not result in an illusory motion of the environment (a symptom called oscillopsia).

The objective of my current research is to relate eye movements to measures of visual function and motion perception, in those with and without nystagmus, in an effort to better understand the perception of stationarity, oscillopsia and the consequences of inappropriate motion of the eyes

Research Group

Research Unit for Nystagmus (OPTOM)
Perception & Action (PSYCH)

Current Postgraduate Students (with anticipated completion year)

2019 Asma Ahida Binti Ahmad Zahidi
Characteristics and impact of nystagmus on children with and without Down’s syndrome

2019 Onyx Korn 
Visual perception in the presence of involuntary eye movements


  • College of Optometrists Research Fellowship (2016 - 2018)
  • Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP) (2016, 2017)
  • Fight for Sight / Nystagmus Network joint small grant award (2013-2014)


Addysgu israddedig cyfredol

  • OP0204 Ffiseg optometrig (Darlithydd)
  • OP1202 Dosbarthu optometrig ac offer (Arweinydd modiwl) 
  • OP2201 Astudiaethau clinigol a dosbarthu (Darlithydd)
  • OP3205 optometreg galwedigaethol, y gyfraith a busnes (Darlithydd)
  • OP3107 Ymchwil mewn optometreg a gwyddoniaeth gweledigaeth (goruchwyliwr prosiect)

Addysgu ôl-raddedig blaenorol

  • Tystysgrif plygiant WOPEC ar gyfer offthalmolegwyr (Darlithydd)

Addysgu israddedig blaenorol

  • OP2204 Gweledigaeth binocwlar a niwroffisioleg optometrig (Addysgu ymarferol)




Undergraduate education

  • 2004-2007 BSc (Hons) Optometry, Ulster University

Postgraduate education

  • 2012-2015 PhD (Vision Sciences), Cardiff University, supervised by Professor Jonathan T. Erichsen (School of Optometry and Vision Sciences) and Professor Tom C.A. Freeman (School of Psychology)

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Registered with the General Optical Council (GOC)
  • Member of the College of Optometrists (MCOptom)
  • Member of the Association of Optometrists
  • Member of the Applied Vision Association

Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol

  • 2008-2010: Research fellow with Dr Peter Bex, Schepens Eye Research Institute, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. 
  • 2007-2008: Pre-registration optometrist, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

  • Symudiadau llygaid
  • Olrhain llygaid
  • Canfyddiad gweledol
  • Gweledigaeth ofodol

Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Katherine Ward

Katherine Ward

Myfyriwr ymchwil

Viktor Nedelchev

Viktor Nedelchev

Myfyriwr ymchwil

Onyeka Amiebenomo

Onyeka Amiebenomo

Myfyriwr ymchwil

Themâu ymchwil


  • Olrhain llygaid
  • Symudiadau llygaid
  • Dilyn llyfn
  • Saccades
  • Gweledigaeth ofodol