Rhodri Morgan 1939 – 2017
18 Mai 2017

The School of Law and Politics at Cardiff University is sad to note the passing of Rhodri Morgan, who was the First Minister of Wales from 2000-2009.
Rhodri Morgan was an honorary professor at the School and developed a close relationship with us, keeping a keen interest in our research on devolution and related matters.
Dr Russell Sandberg, Head of Law at the School, stated: "It is difficult to over-state the influence and legacy that Rhodri Morgan has had upon the development of Wales in the twenty-first century through the cementing of Welsh devolution in particular."
Professor Richard Wyn Jones, Director of the Wales Governance Centre, commented that: "When Rhodri took over the leadership of Labour in the National Assembly in 2000, that institution still felt very fragile. Nine years later, however, Rhodri stood down as First Minister with the principle of devolution having been very widely embraced by the Welsh public. It was through Rhodri’s leadership that the Welsh embraced devolution as the natural order of things."
Dr Sandberg added: "Having Rhodri Morgan as one of the honorary professors at our interdisciplinary School of Law and Politics has been an honour and a privilege. The tributes paid today have underscored that he was the most significant statesperson in modern Welsh history. Our thoughts are with his family."