Best Practice in CPD Delivery in Higher Education
27 Awst 2019

One of our Business Development Manager (for the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering) recently attended a conference on 'Best Practice in CPD Delivery within Higher Education'.
The event was a great opportunity to meet other professionals working in CPD delivery within the HE sector, share experiences and learn from best practice.
Organised by The Training Gateway, and held at the University of York, the event welcomed around 50 attendees from universities across the UK.
Topics covered throughout the day included strategy, buying cycles, developing educational and global partnerships, and and creating a customer culture within a university setting, and supporting academics to deliver CPD courses, all of which are very relevant for our CPD unit here at the University.
Kate said: “A particular highlight for me was learning about ‘the buying cycle’ model, which looks at the psychology of effective account management/customer relations. The model is taken from Neil Rackham’s ‘Account Strategy for Major Sales’ and says that human behaviour around decision making falls into a predictable patterns, or stages of a cycle, and that we can use this insight to help build more effective customer relationships. Another take-away from the day was a discussion about Customer 4.0 and considering how requirements such as mass personalisation can be embedded effectively within CPD service delivery.”