Hyfforddiant Llysgennad Iaith GwE Pupil Language Ambassador Training
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Training is provided for pupils to become Pupil Language Ambassadors within their school. PLAs support the languages department to raise the profile of MFL by encouraging fellow pupils to continue studying languages. This is achieved through delivering various activities and events throughout the year such as assemblies, clubs, creating displays and running events. The training provided will equip pupils with the skills necessary to become competent ambassadors for languages. Training Events are offered in partnership with each of the 4 Educational Consortia.
If you have any queries please contact info@routesintolanguagescymru.co.uk
Photographs and videos will be taken for promotional purposes. Please ensure you have received appropriate parental permission, and let us know on the morning of the event if you do not wish to be photographed.
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Eirias Road
Colwyn Bay
LL29 7SP