'The applications, and implication, of AI in Medicine
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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine is by no means a recent development. Machine learning and large language models (LLMs) have been applied in research and clinical practice for many years, with an example being the introduction of the ELIZA platform in the 1960s that demonstrated what a simulated conversation with a machine would look like.
Today, AI has proven to be effective in the field of reproductive medicine and embryo selection as part of in vitro fertilisation (IVF), evaluating embryo quality with greater precision than humans have been able to. The same is true in regards to genetics and genomics, radiology, oncology, surgery, and other specialties. Such innovations highlight the role that AI systems will play in the future workplace.
Generative AI also has the potential to enhance prevention and early intervention strategies, as well as to improve training and offer new treatment options. Such a revolutionary and transformative technology does, however, also require careful consideration in how it is used ethically, safely and appropriately.
This talk will explore how AI can make our lives easier, if embraced responsibly.