DIRI Statistical Methodology SIG Launch Event: Prof. Harry Collins
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The Statistical Methodology Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Data Innovation Research Institute (DIRI) is pleased to announce its launch event.
Prof. Harry Collins (Cardiff) will give a presentation based on a chapter of his most recent book, 'Forms of Life'. Over lunch (provided free of charge thanks to the generosity of the DIRI), participants will have a chance to discuss the content of Harry's talk. Although not essential, we invite participants to read the book chapter in advance of the meeting, of which copies are available upon request from the organiser.
Abstract: The trouble for sciences that rely on a 2-sigma standard was there long before it was noticed. Since the 1960s, physics has been steadily increasing its standard for a discovery from 3-sigma to 5-sigma as a result of empirical experience of mistakes -- experience which is not available to other sciences but applies to them just as much. Extra statistical punctiliousness that falls short of physics' practice is unlikely to resolve the problem. Which means that most sciences cannot rely on purely 'inferential' experiments and observations that rely on statistical analysis alone. But the situation is very different when we can also see the mechanism that is responsible for a result -- when experiments and observations are 'tangible'. The argument will be illustrated with Imitation Game experiments conducted by the author and with the experience of gravitational wave physics.
We are extremely grateful to the DIRI for supporting this event.
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CF10 3EU