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High-school children from across South Wales, setting out plans to set-up camp on Mars


1 October 2017

High-school children from across South Wales set out plans to set-up camp on Mars this week as part of Cardiff University’s annual STEMLive outreach event.

Undergraduate Awards logo

MChem student recognised at “junior Nobel Prize” awards

29 September 2017

Recent graduate highly commended at the Undergraduate Awards

Will failing to build greener homes mean Wales misses emissions targets?

Will failing to build greener homes mean Wales misses emissions targets?

29 September 2017

Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee launches inquiry at SOLCER House

Photograph of Samuel Martin

3D scanning robot wins Cardiff graduate top award

28 September 2017

Cardiff University computer science student named best in Europe in The Undergraduate Awards 2017

How do zebrafish develop their stripes?

28 September 2017

Cardiff University mathematician discovers key aspect underlining distinctive patterns of the zebrafish

How architecture can shape palliative care

How architecture can shape palliative care

28 September 2017

March graduate Anne Bellamy writes about presenting her research at the Society of Social Sciences conference in Boston, USA

gravitational waves black holes

First joint detection of gravitational waves

27 September 2017

LIGO and Virgo detectors join forces to detect gravitational waves form merging black holes

Elite Runners

Experts investigate knee and back conditions

27 September 2017

Researchers demonstrate their work at Cardiff Half Marathon

Top architects chosen for £23m maths and computer science centre

27 September 2017

University planning new centre of excellence for innovative teaching and research

Dr Mhairi McVicar with Leadership Award

Leadership award winner

21 September 2017

Dr Mhairi McVicar successful in Leading Wales Awards