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Anthony Bennett

Quantum LED to bridge industry gap

14 October 2020

Fellowship for future LED technologies

Tom Hyett stood on top of the Abacws building

ISG and Cardiff mark Abacws high point

14 October 2020

Remote ‘topping out’ for new centre

MSc prize winning students

Recognition of MSc student excellence

14 October 2020

This year's recipients of the MSc Certificate of Excellence and Prize have truly excelled

A portrait of Professor Sir Richard Catlow

Professor Richard Catlow awarded knighthood

12 October 2020

Professor Richard Catlow has been awarded a knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for his ‘remarkable’ and ‘impactful’ contributions to scientific research.

Swansea retrofit houses

Dr Joanne Patterson to speak at key EU event disseminating Innovative Solutions for adapting to a Smart City

12 October 2020

The 18th European Week of Regions and Cities takes place between 5-22 October.

Stock image of paramedic caring for patient

Machine learning helps to predict new violence hot spots

12 October 2020

Cardiff University analysis uncovers ‘no alcohol’ locations that could be targeted to reduce violent crime

Join the Bin Your Butt campaign

12 October 2020

New campaign reminds smokers to responsibly extinguish and dispose of their cigarettes

Stock image of COVID-19 test tubes

Faster COVID-19 testing with simple algebraic equations

7 October 2020

Cardiff University mathematician proposes new technique to drastically increase the amount of testing for COVID-19

Animated image of Science with Bexy

Physics graduate sets up YouTube channel and stands out

6 October 2020

The story of one young physicist and her YouTube channel success

Dreamland: Samson

MArch student Jacques Doody receives highly commended postgraduate award in the AJ Student 2020 Awards

6 October 2020

The winning entry Dreamland: Samson creates a retreat for those with climate anxiety.