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Oldest known impact crater found

28 June 2012

Cardiff scientist helps uncover collision evidence in Greenland

Driving forward electric vehicle research

27 June 2012

New multidisciplinary centre to help develop further innovation in electric vehicles.

Wireless communication and high-frequency semiconductor technology

26 June 2012

Cutting-edge technology recognised for its regional impact.

Innovation and Impact

26 June 2012

Awards celebrate Cardiff’s outstanding research.

A Celebration of Organic Chemistry

21 June 2012

Nobel laureates among the speakers at Professor’s honorary symposium.

TEDxCardiff partnership

27 April 2012

Watch videos from TEDxCardiff.

New uses for diesel by-products

24 January 2012

A new catalytic process discovered by the Cardiff Catalysis Institute could unleash a range of useful new by-products from diesel fuel production.

Making the right career choice

19 January 2012

Careers advisers in Wales and England are embarking on a pilot course at Cardiff to help improve advice for young people in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Ensuring essential metals supply

4 January 2012

Wales’ bid to become a leader in low carbon technologies could be ‘at risk’ unless action is taken to address the short-fall in the supply of essential metals used in low-carbon transport and wind power supply, an international Cardiff conference hosted by Cardiff University and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales will hear this week.

Why do golf balls have dimples?

25 January 2003

Ever wondered why golf balls have dimples or if bungee jumping can really make your eyes fall out – well, one award winning University science communicator thinks she has the answers.