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Gravitational waves

Space-time ripples detected for the very first time

11 February 2016

University scientists open a new window into the Universe as gravitational waves are detected for the first time

Budding Brunels

Budding Brunels

10 February 2016

Next generation of constructors get a taste of university life

Juno Practitioner logo

Recognition for Our Commitment to Equality and Diversity

10 February 2016

The School of Physics and Astronomy has been awarded Juno Practitioner status by the Institute of Physics’


Deep sea drilling project to explore history of climate change

29 January 2016

Professor Ian Hall leads expedition to study impact of one of the world’s strongest ocean currents on global climate change

Gold catalyst highlighted in Scientific American

29 January 2016

The current issue of Scientific American features the gold-based catalyst discovered by Prof Graham Hutchings.

Rhodri Evans

Dr Norman Lloyd Scholarship

28 January 2016

Chemistry student Rhodri Evans is the recipient of the Dr Norman Lloyd Scholarship for 2015.

Professor Graham Hutchings

Cardiff researcher among world’s ‘most influential scientific minds’

22 January 2016

Professor Graham Hutchings named on elite list of highly cited researchers in 2015

Python Namibia

High hopes for software event

18 January 2016

Could African programmers develop the next Pinterest or Instagram?

Staff from the University of Namibia visiting Cardiff University School of Mathematics

Maths experts support Africa’s future scientists

11 January 2016

Phoenix Project organises maths school in Namibia to help tackle drop-out rates on science courses

Angela Casini

Prestigious Honorary fellowship and visiting professorship awarded to Prof. Angela Casini

11 January 2016

Prof. Angela Casini, Chair of Medicinal and Bioinorganic Chemistry, has been awarded the prestigious August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professorship