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Data Policies: Regulatory approaches for data-driven platforms in the UK and EU

The project investigates the ways in which policy reform in the UK and the EU affects data processing by platforms; analyses gaps in the policy framework regarding the protection of citizens against data-related harms; and explores alternative policy approaches.


The project is based on desk research and interviews.

First, a systematic review of both academic and public literature on data regulation will investigate the consequences of policies (and policy proposals) for platform users, questions of inclusion and empowerment, risks to civic rights, and possible discrimination.

Secondly, interviews with members of different stakeholder communities will explore the goals, development processes, and implementation steps of major laws and regulations that are currently being implemented and query about social, political and economic consequences. Thirdly, a policy hackathon will review current policy frameworks, identify gaps and shortcomings, and develop proposals for policy reform.


The project will lead to several academic as well as practice-oriented outputs. These include at least one academic journal article; a media/press article; a project report (downloadable from the project website); presentations at academic conferences; and input into the work of civil society advocacy organisation and policymakers.