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Dr Chris Hobson

Academic Director (DClinPsy)

029 208 70582
Tower Building, 70 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT


Areas of interest

Attachment and Trauma, Personality Difficulties, Forensic Mental Health/Risk, Parenting, Development of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Children/Adolescents, Mental Capacity, Homelessness, Staff Work-Related Stress and Burnout.


I am the Academic Director for the south Wales Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy). The role involves leading the academic components of the programme, supervising doctoral-level research, and providing teaching. I also contribute to the MSc in Children's Psychological Disorders and am the Clinical Psychologist and a Co-Investigator for the Neurodevelopmental Assessment Research Unit.

My research interests fall into two broad categories. Firstly, I am interested in the development of emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and young people and how best to intervene in such problems. Specific interests include the role of executive functioning, emotional development and empathy, parenting factors (the role of parental mental health, parental reflective capacities and parental expressed emotion) in the development of childhood emotional and behavioural difficulties.  Secondly, but overlapping in terms of relevant theories, I am interested in understanding work-related stress/burnout and how best to provide psychological support to staff who work with complex populations (e.g. those cared for in secure services, homelessness or other social care/mental health settings).

Clinically, prior to working on the clinical psychology programme, I worked for six and a half years in secure settings with offenders, including in a Mentalisation Based Treatment service for men, and leading a specialist assessment and treatment service in a women’s prison. My clinical work is currently on an independent basis (mainly conducting assessments of parents involved in childcare proceedings for the family courts and local authorities).











Various topics on the South Wales DClinPsy and the MSc in Children's Psychological Disorders.


I am currently/recently involved in supervising current doctoral research or publication of recently completed doctoral research, in the following areas:

Executive functioning in externalising behaviours (conduct and attention/hyperactivity difficulties).
Environment and executive functioning/behaviour problems.
Expressed emotion and the association with behaviour problems.
Coherence as measured by the Five Minute Speech Sample.
Socio-emotional processing in young children with anxiety.
Parenting intervention research.
Burnout and related factors in staff working in homelessness or mental health settings
Psychological flexibility and stress.
PTSD in young people experiencing homelessness.
Psychologically informed environments (PIEs).

Research links