Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Mathematics Education Research Group

Rydym yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu a gwerthuso dulliau newydd o ddysgu ac addysgu mathemateg mewn ymateb i newid cymdeithasol a thechnolegol parhaus.

Mae’r Grŵp Ymchwil Addysg Mathemateg yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu a gwerthuso dulliau newydd o ddysgu ac addysgu mathemateg mewn ymateb i newid cymdeithasol a thechnolegol parhaus.

Mae gan y grŵp ddiddordeb mewn hyrwyddo damcaniaeth ac ymarfer addysg mathemateg yn y brifysgol, mae'n mynd ati i gasglu tystiolaeth i asesu effeithiolrwydd mathau gwahanol o addysgu, ac mae'n cefnogi athrawon a darlithwyr i ddatblygu eu hysgolheictod dysgu ac addysgu.

Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gydag Athena SWAN a'r Uned Her Cydraddoldeb i sicrhau bod cynwysoldeb a chydraddoldeb yn cael ystyrieth drylwyr wrth gynllunio ac asesu ymyriadau addysgol. Rydym yn cydweithio â chyd-weithwyr ledled Prifysgol Caerdydd, er enghraifft yr Ysgol Ffiseg ac Ysgol y Biowyddorau, ac yn cyfranogi’n helaeth yn Rhaglen Ymarfer Academaidd y Brifysgol.

Rydym hefyd yn ymgysylltu â rhwydweithiau cenedlaethol megis yr Academi Addysg Uwch a'r rhwydwaith sigma, ac yn cydweithio â sefydliadau ledled y sector, gan gynnwys Caerfaddon, Caeredin, Loughborough, Newcastle a Sheffield Hallam.


Y cwestiwn canolog yw: Sut y gallwn hwyluso dysgu effeithiol mewn mathemateg?


Meysydd o ddiddordeb eang

  • Ymgysylltiad academaidd myfyrwyr, a meithrin amgylcheddau dysgu gweithredol
  • Mae hyn yn cynnwys annog myfyrwyr i roi cynnig ar broblemau, rhannu a thrafod syniadau, hunanfyfyrio, a datblygu eu dulliau eu hunain o ddatrys problemau.
  • Ymhlith y dulliau penodol a nodwyd y mae cyfarwyddyd gan gymheiriaid (gan ddefnyddio "clicwyr" mewn grwpiau mawr neu fyfyrwyr yn trafod cwestiynau mewn grwpiau bach yn ystod darlithoedd), asesiadau gan gymheiriaid a fforymau ar-lein.
  • Defnyddio technoleg dysgu mewn addysgu
  • Mae'r cwestiynau'n cynnwys sut y gellir defnyddio hyn mewn modd effeithiol, a sut yr ydym yn gwerthuso ei ddefnyddioldeb?
  • Mae'r dulliau penodol a nodwyd yn cynnwys dysgu gwrthdro, e-asesiadau, recordio darlithoedd, a dylunio a defnyddio meddalwedd ffynhonnell agored
  • Datblygu sgiliau hanfodol i raddedigion
  • Sgiliau penodol a nodwyd yw llythrennedd a chyfathrebu, a datrys problemau

Meysydd o ddiddordeb penodol

  • Darparu Cymorth Mathemateg ledled y brifysgol
  • Cefnogi'r cyfnod pontio o'r ysgol i lefel israddedig
  • Dimensiynau personoliaeth a'u heffeithiau ar ddysgu. Pryder Mathemateg ac effaith hyder mathemategol ar ddysgu.
  • Dulliau arloesol o ddarlithio, e.e. rôl perfformiad (y darlithwyr) o ran ansawdd y dysgu
  • Dadansoddi data arolygon myfyrwyr
  • Dysgu yn y gwaith
  • Pobl

Cwrdd â'r tîm

Head of Group

Staff academaidd

Dr Dafydd Evans

Dr Dafydd Evans

Siarad Cymraeg
+44 (0)29 2087 0621


Seminars and workshops

The seminar/workshop programme is a combination of external and internal speakers. The ‘internal’ sessions will be Learning and Teaching Lunches which will typically start with a 15-20 minute presentation leaving the remaining time for discussion and debate.

These will be held at 14:10 on Fridays in M/1.02 unless otherwise stated.

Programme organisers and contacts are Dr Rob Wilson and Dr Mathew Pugh.




7 February 2020

Scholarship Workshop

Programme-level Outcomes

This discussion session will review the current programme-level outcomes for the undergraduates degrees within the School of Mathematics.

14 February 2020

Daniel Gartner (School of Mathematics)


21 February 2020

Kevin Houston (Leeds)


13 March 2020

Scholarship Workshop

Maths Teaching Showcase

27 March 2020

Tony Croft (Loughborough)


Past events




4 October 2019

Michael Willet and Emmajane Milton (School of Social Sciences)


In this short, interactive session, we will discuss an innovative approach that can be used to inspire and engage students in small-group teaching sessions; Gedalof’s (2005) ‘Quescussion’ (a discussion activity consisting entirely of questions). This is a student-centred activity which promotes equality and fosters the development of critical thinking skills. While this method was originally developed for teaching English Literature in Higher Education, we aim to explore with you whether its scope is transferable outside a humanities and social-sciences context, because of the very nature of the what it is trying to achieve – criticality, a questioning stance, independence and autonomy

24 October 2019

Scholarship Workshop

Student Engagement

This discussion session will explore what factors contribute to student engagement with their academic studies within mathematics, and what specific areas of scholarship the MERG group should focus on over the coming academic year.

31 October 2019

Matthew Inglis (Loughborough)

Five decades of mathematics education research

Mathematics educators have been publishing their work in international research journals for five decades. How has the field developed over this period? In this talk I report an analysis of the full text of all articles published in Educational Studies in Mathematics and the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education since their foundation. Using Lakatos’s notion of a research programme, I focus on the field’s changing theoretical orientations, and pay particular attention to the relative prominence of the experimental psychology, constructivist and sociocultural programmes. I quantitatively assess the extent of the ‘social turn’, observe that the field is currently experiencing a period of theoretical diversity, and identify and discuss the ‘experimental cliff’, a period during which experimental investigations migrated away from mathematics education journals.

7 November 2019

Scholarship Workshop

Open Session

This open session will provide opportunity to share current examples of effective learning and teaching practice, to discuss plans/ideas for forthcoming practice and to explore/enquire about potential enhancements in future practice.

14 November 2019

Geraint Palmer (School of Mathematics)

Assessing a Preliminary Year Data Literacy Module

The assessment method for MA0004 Preliminary Mathematics is changing, the module will now be 100% coursework. This provides freedom to realign the focus of the module to more practical aspects of data literacy. I will discuss the module itself, pros and cons of the previous assessment method, rationale for and details of the new assessment, and how the module schedule will realign to place more emphasis on these projects. I hope to use this time to listen to participants' opinions on this, and discuss fine-tuning the new model.

5 December 2019

Begins 14:00

Scholarship Workshop

What is a Pass?

This discussion session will explore what we understand by 'passing a module', and how we might characterise what this should mean or look like, particularly within mathematics.

Mathematics Education Research Group Seminars and workshops 2017-18 (PDF)

Camau nesaf

Ymchwil sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth

Mae ein hymchwil yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl wrth i ni gweithio ar draws disgyblaethau er mwyn ymgodymu â phrif heriau sy’n wynebu’r gymdeithas, yr economi ac ein hamgylchedd.

Ymchwil ôl-raddedig

Mae ein graddau ymchwil yn rhoi'r rhyddid i chi i archwilio pwnc arbennig mewn dyfnder ymhlith ymchwilwyr blaenllaw.

Ein heffaith ymchwil

Mae'r astudiaethau achos hyn yn rhoi sylw i rai o'r meysydd lle rydym yn cael effaith ymchwil gadarnhaol.